There are so many different detox diets and cleanses that are beneficial to our health and give our digestive systems a bit of a break, however most are not targeting the underlying problems that cause slow metabolism, weight gain, mood changes, hormonal imbalances and even chronic disease. Even though all these cleanses can be beneficial to our health, detoxifying the organs will address what is really causing our bodies to react in certain ways. Detoxifying the liver will improve overall health by fortifying your body's system.
Today, we are faced with so many environmental toxins occurring in our homes, places of work and in our food supply. It is essential for our general health and well being to keep our livers functioning properly. Alcohol consumption is one of the main liver damage contributors but things like prescription drugs, obesity, malnutrition, drug abuse, low potassium levels, unprotected sex, viral infections, and environmental pollution can cause our liver to not work properly and do our bodies harm.
The liver acts like a filter for the human body. It works tirelessly to detoxify our blood, produce the bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones, and store essential vitamins, minerals and iron. The fact is that liver is hardest working organ in the human body.
Liver damage can eventually progress to chronic conditions like endometriosis, hyper and hypothyroid, infertility, acid reflux, heart burn, high blood pressure, rosacea, chronic fatigue, IBS, leaky gut, depression, anxiety, moodiness, hormonal imbalances, eczema and many more. Consequently, doing a liver detox may actually reverse any chronic disease or make the symptoms subside.
Fortunately, the liver is a miraculous organ. It is the only organ that can regenerate itself in matter of weeks. After a thorough cleanse, you will start to feel better in just a few days.
Liver cleanses can vary depending on what symptom you are experiencing. If the problem is hormonal, digestive or mood related it is best to cut out all animal protein and avoid hormones that can come from them. If you are somewhat healthy but know that some factors have affected your liver and you are just feeling like a detox will improve your everyday life and energy, then some animal like fish protein is ok.
First step to a liver detox is getting rid of any toxins. These include: fast and processed foods, saturated fats, alcohol, gluten or any food allergen, sugars, SOY and GMOs.
Consume lots of leafy greens in salads and raw juices. It is important to purchase organic or from a local farmer that is trusted. Also, load up on Potassium rich foods like sweet potatoes, beet greens, bananas and sprouted beans to help cleanse the liver and promote a healthy cardiovascular system.
The super detoxifiers that should be in your everyday diet, but especially to aid the liver in the detoxification process are: garlic, beets, dandelion greens, dandelion root, milk thistle, yellow dock, licorice root, turmeric, ginger, avocados, flaxseeds and burdock root.
Make sure to have a good overall vitamin and mineral intake. B-complex and vitamin D are suggested to fortify your immune system and detoxify your blood,
Here is an easy three-day plan liver cleanse:
You can choose to keep this plan for more than three days. The results are not only a boost in metabolism and health regeneration but happiness, a calming feeling and an overall well being will come with it too. For me it was a life changer!
Before starting any detoxification talk to your doctor and see what they think about it. Also, get a blood test and see what vitamins and minerals you are deficient in to help you with this process.
Take vitamin D (unless you have too much in your blood test), B complex and Milk thistle daily, best taken right after breakfast
Dink lots of water and make dandelion or licorice tea to drink throughout the day.
Day One
Drink fresh lemon water as soon as you wake up
Liver detox smoothie
1 beet
1 clove garlic
1/2 banana
1/2 cup frozen berries
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon ginger
1 small carrots
1/2 green apple
1 table spoon flax seeds
Mixed Radish Salad with Mango Dressing
Raw green juice (kale, cucumber, celery, collard greens, and any green of you liking) you can also add lemon, ginger and green apple.
Day Two
Drink fresh lemon water as soon as you wake up
Liver detox smoothie (same as first day)
Liver Detox Asparagus and Dandelion Salad
Raw green juice - same as above
Day Three
Drink fresh lemon water as soon as you wake up
Liver detox smoothie (same as first two days)
Raw green juice - same as above
Portobello Mushroom Steak with Pico
By Vanessa Upegui
Photography by Megan Martin